XII concentration CONCENTRATION CACHONERA 2008 Galaroza, 6 September 2008
Motero Dear Friend:
Once again I am writing to you with the intention to connect the next celebration of the XII
CONCENTRATION MORTAR CACHONERA to perform the 8 and 9 November in our area of \u200b\u200bGalaroza (Huelva).
Association Since I have the honor of presiding've made great economic effort and resources, so that all participants in this edition will bring fond memories of your stay with us. This year will improve facilities and management activities, while maintaining the traditional camping sites with hot showers, secure parking for motorcycles, service bars, etc. As usual, we will welcome you with the Iberian chacina own our land and with an interesting inscription bag includes commemorative souvenirs XII Motera Cachonera concentration. Finally, it is worth noting that our Motoclub continues his fight for road safety, including program information and awareness activities in this regard.
With this event we try to consolidate cultural entertainment, unique in the Sierra de Huelva, with a long tradition and make it a benchmark in the annual biker calendar. Waiting
your assistance, receive our most cordial greetings.
. Leandro Navarro Peña
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