Every human being carries his story into a suitcase intangible, without suspecting that others are also charged hitherto unknown similar places, smells, images associated with their memories. One day two people agree and are surprised at how many things in common had.

Who was going to say that behind the marquee the Blue Note New York of the nineties were the hands of a Cuban!

Or the awning of Cooper's , the neighborhood bar of TV's The King of Queens , had been designed and made by the same Cuban. Or that the fence that announces to the legendary Strand bookstore 12th Street and Broadway as well.

De Rolando Pulido first met his work as a graphic designer, then her face even without name-in protests against the building of the representative of Cuba to the United Nations in the 90's. Finally the man that I am presenting today.

Under what circumstances did you leave Cuba?
"I left Cuba in 1980 during the Mariel boatlift. I was the only one in my family who decided to take that step at that time. It was minor and the procedures were complicated because my mother refused at first to give me permission.
Within hours of submitting my departure, I was the victim of a massive protest campaign in the street, where I was verbally humiliated and strongly beaten in front of my school.
Those who were not in Havana, we could not go on our own to that city at that stage. We had to rely on for transport to take us, with our records and other paperwork where secured-from the provinces, which were 'scum legitimate. " This wait took more than two weeks, which would not seem so long if I had not had to stay hidden in various places, sometimes up to nightfall so I can slip through the shadows of the gates of the Prado Cienfuegos up to my house to lose again before dawn. "

¿Cómo era aquel New York donde pasaste el cultural shock ?
“Francamente, no fue tal cultural shock . Vine de Cuba muy consciente de que me enfrentaría a un nuevo país, a un nuevo idioma, a un nuevo modo de vida y lo asimilé muy bien. Extrañaba a mi familia, a mis amigos y a mis perros, pero nunca a Cuba como tal. La Cuba que conocí no me había gustado ni un poquito. Había sido el lugar donde desde que nací me trataban de adoctrinar con una ideología que no me gustaba, que no era la que mis padres hubieran preferido para me. The country where a foreigner is the sole right to be free. The country that struck me when I wanted to go. My country, which forbids me to touch their soil.

New York has been my home since I arrived here I became a man, I matured and I die too in this, my city.
The New York that summer of 1980 was very different from today. It was the first year of a new decade and was still the culture of the seventies. I had a great, everything was new to me, leaving all day and night and soon I felt at home. "

for you What does the discovery of a virtual Cuban society, free, diverse, creative and actively critical of the dictatorship of Fidel and Raul Castro?
"They represent for me the real Cuba. Voices without fear and without censorship. They are the voices of many years of oppression they have found the E-valve exhaust .

This virtual Cuban society which has confirmed the world that the Cuban suffering is real and is not a story of right-wing exiles.
Not only are their realities in their blogs, but also encourage other citizens to free speech as well. They are promoters of Cuban civil society and deserve all my respect, solidarity and support. "
Not only are their realities in their blogs, but also encourage other citizens to free speech as well. They are promoters of Cuban civil society and deserve all my respect, solidarity and support. "

work as an artist painting and graphic design. How would you describe the dual pleasure / results of both modes of expression in your life?
"It's hard to describe something you've always done, something is natural to you. I learned to draw before learning to read.
Painting is something I enjoy immensely, is very intimate, very personal. Graphic design has been my way of living for most of my life and something we also enjoy it. I believe that a good graphic is more powerful than words and that is why I try to put my bit in promoting democracy in Cuba and also to denounce the injustices of the Castro regime.

Many times I try to combine drawing and digital artwork to give more authenticity to the product Finally, depending on the subject. Other times I prefer to make simple designs to keep the news now, when it comes to something urgent as it could be the arrest of a dissident on the island.
For many years I sought the most effective way to denounce the atrocities committed in Cuba by the government and found that it is through my artwork. Today thanks to the Internet, I can share my work with other Cubans in many parts of the world, including within the island and doing projects together, which gives me confidence that civil society in Cuba is growing every day.
I am very happy with what I do. Life gave me a talent that I greatly enjoy and more Moreover, it has helped me to help my countrymen. I only need the freedom to Cuba to be completely happy and this time, I know that day is very close. "
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