"Cristina Gallardo-Domas plays in the Campoamor Theatre in Oviedo's role in the zarzuela Luisa Fernanda same name that opens the XVIII English Lyric Theater Festival.
After two decades, surrendered to the opera, is the first time addressing the role of a zarzuela.

- Why leave Luisa Fernanda Vidal, a man so great and in love and marries Javier balarrasa?
"Nor is the wedding is finished. The end is half open. This is one of existential problems in this my introduction to the world of zarzuela. And this is my first all with the zarzuela.
- How?
"They tried to convince both. I searched the title closest to the opera. And I ran into this character, I said might not have had a more consistent final? This Luisa Fernanda was a bit silly, left Vidal did not know rule his life.
"He's young.
-No. He has over twenty years and that age then you were considered old maids. And with two situations, with two men. And with a love as open and as honest as the Vidal ... the truth, I am very sorry.
- Do not you love when he sings "Oh my brown, light brown ...»?
"Not only has the music, the same words are so beautiful that hopefully at some point and I play a procession.
"She prefers a revolution or coup. Do you think back in time to the action?
"Yes, the truth is that there are works that give the possibility. Even this. Would have opted to put it more current.
- In what historical circumstances?
"More than a concrete historical situation, more actualized in time. Today there are wars everywhere, we go up to the ears. All countries are rebelling.
-out tanks should be on stage.
"Not necessarily. We must not take it so vigorously. Suffice to create a certain mood. Annoy the public with excessive realism.
- Did you know the play?
"I knew, for example, intervention by Vidal, the chorus of umbrellas and other passages. Were the pieces that I sounded a little girl. My paternal grandmother is a great passion for zarzuela. In Chile is heard before a lot of zarzuela and more.
-In Asturias know by Max Valdés in Chile Music is a very high level.
"Yes, Mehta, verily, is a regular in Chile.
- What does an opera singer in a zarzuela?
-La zarzuela has been becoming increasingly international. Plácido Domingo, a figurehead, has taken up another boundary zarzuela. Is equally or more demanding than opera. With this experience I have seen it is a very difficult discipline for opera singer requires a combination of techniques for speaking and singing that is difficult to reconcile at the same time without sacrificing one of the two.
- A Luisa Fernanda with American accent castizo instead of Madrid?
"Yeah, but I have 21 years out of Chile and the last 10 in Spain, I am English and live nationalized in the Canaries. My accent is already Islands. Until July because I moved to live with the family to Valencia. Acquire an accent, I say. In this list there are people from all parts of Spain and that is why so many different accents.
-Spain is a continent.
-Spain is a continent within a country.
"Well ... Composers and titles what do you prefer?
"I've always had a great weakness by Puccini. It is of composers who would have represented. And Verdi and French repertory. I love the vocal and stylistic ductility with different composers. The career I have raised the evolutionary way. At all times relevant to the characters vocal demands. I've always avoided going beyond those limits. Not even may prefer to hold back. As being on a diet, you keep away hundreds of calorie items.
- What now?
"Now I'm in a stage voice that gives me much joy because I'm open to other codes. From left to do Puccini "Tosca", "Il Tabarro" and "La fanciulla del West." This is what I have, since "Turandot" is not never interested me because there is a role grateful. Tosca and Giorgetta are the two roles that interest me for the full line of soprano. I have introduced also in "La vida breve" de Falla and this "Luisa Fernanda" with tessituras years were conceived for mezzo but with the evolution of instruments and tuning increasingly high mezzo roles approach the lyric soprano. Carmen or Charlotte in "Werther" interest me much at the moment, sharing the vocal with a mature appearance according to the character. Not like that joke classic Butterfly with your child about 15 years, but the singer is almost a old.
"It happened in Campoamor with Kabaivanska, but how to sing!
"They always say that there are the more dramatic roles that correspond to increasingly younger characters, even reaching the proper age of adolescents. It produces a contrast of ambivalence between the vocal and physical aspects.
- How has that certain schizophrenia to be Luisa Fernanda and Mimi and what comes?
-even switch. I now do in Madrid Manon Lescaut and Luisa Fernanda. It is not easy. Manon is younger and sharper records. Is another interpretation and another orchestration. I have, yes, a partner, Neal Schicoff, it's great.
- Luisa Fernanda Do All Day?
-Me is weighing a lot, inside and outside the theater. There is a time when so much assimilate. TV and put in a English series displayed phrases copied from the Luisa Fernanda and when you're immersed in it you perceive it to first.
-La Zarzuela is like life.
-I hope I can play more characters of zarzuela. As you're speaking with materials and natures own, like the Americans and their music hall. We have a very wide repertory in English, have to address it and use it as it deserves.
- What makes life in Oviedo?
-study and review, in the hotel and theater, before the trials. Keep in mind the memory.
- Do not go shopping?
"I have not had much chance to go shopping in Oviedo fortunately, go shopping is very dangerous. I turned around and I was the eyes. Study and review. And soon I will be here with my children who have a week of vacation for Carnival. Almost a month ago have not seen them and hopefully being in Madrid because I've been away rehearsing something to the Canaries.
- How many children have?
-A girl, Romina, who in July I turn 15 years old, and Stephen, who in April made me 7. In my career I have always rebelled to be, too, mother and wife is not easy in the case of an artistic profession that takes you from one place to another with great instability. It was not easy, but on the other hand they enjoy what your mom. Share and support.
- And complain?
"No, are delighted. Especially the oldest. Do not worry mom, says. The child is more attached and loves being on stage. I check in the trials. I've avoided, I was offered twice incorporate it with me on stage. One was with Emilio Sagi, in "Bohème." I said no, not because the child would end up wanting to go to Mimi and not right. Mimi does not square with the very contemporary child is the production. Butterfly And also tried but it would too be the harakiri! Both masochism no, please.
Returning to "Luisa Fernanda."
"We must be perhaps more actor than singer for the zarzuela and as mentioned before, the dialogue is difficult and sometimes have to improvise something when you do not remember exactly the text. Singing do and do not notice. Speaking is more difficult, going a word and you go the whole thread and rhythm. Some of my colleagues are acting interventions and learn if they are doing something wrong how come the situation.
- Do you like the scene with LED lighting?
"It's really a test. To implement it in a closed environment so the view is risky. Usually done outdoors. If something happens, if you fail a whole but not led here ... I tell Luis Olmos, the stage manager, in your case I would be worried. The result is nice. And can play with intensity. Has drawbacks that are seen only in the scenario is that these panels consume so much that they put a bit annoying background hum.
- And the positives?
"At the scene of the umbrellas is also a game of beach umbrellas in the images is very nice. And in the auction go some birds, beautiful, they migrate. But the uncertainty is awful, I feel vulnerable to computer science. If he fails, at an airport or a bank, you're nobody.
"Well, if it fails on a plane ...
"My God, even more terrible, of course."
Source: www.lne.es. interview published on 06/03/2011.
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