Once the XII CONCENTRATION MORTAR CACHONERA with great success according to all opinions, we will be moving our joy and our gratitude. Have been more than 3,000 people that we come together at certain times of the event with a time of great presence of motorcycles, such as scenic routes in the region, or the parties we've enjoyed.
has been achieved that the concentration reach even further through new sponsors and media that had not previously participated in our celebration, such as Canal Sur TV and other media that have spread everywhere the name of Fireburst and Galaroza.
moter @ s have come from everywhere, which keeps us as a place where we all want to come, confirming our people, Galaroza, as an ideal destination to spend a few days of leisure in touch with nature around the world Bikes.
The effort has been great by the partners and the members of our motorcycle club. Not only economically but also working in collaboration with institutions that have made possible this concentration, such as the City of Galaroza.
On the negative side, they always are, we must regret the accidents in the area during that weekend. That occur outside our concentration does not limit our regret, but we reinforced in order to raise awareness of road safety required for all moter @ s. That's what we try to always "the flash" and we tried to do in this edition, through training and awareness activities on this issue with the collaboration of provincial traffic.
This collective joy vosotr tod @ s @ s have played a key role because without your participation would not have been useless the efforts we have made.
We are already preparing the next edition. But we want your help, we need your opinions and suggestions to improve concentration Motera Cachonera XIII.
Before going to hold other activities that "the flash" organized throughout the year and already informed you, such as traditional slaughter of Iberian pork, tasting crumbs, foam parties, outings and bikers routes, attendance rallies and motorcycle prizes, etc.
I hope. We want you to view this as partners and friends of Fireburst to pursue this passion that unites us like the world of Motorcycles.
A hug. Leandro Navarro Peña
Moto Club Fireburst
C / D. Pedro González n º 20
Galaroza-Huelva Tel - 607901465
E-Mail: motoclubelfogonazo@telefonica.net
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